‘Shed arrogance, Opposition not adversary, polls not war,’ says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat. Urges Govt to bring peace in Manipur

RSS chief Bhagwat emphasised the need to get over election rhetoric & focus on problems facing the nation. He also said that a true 'sevak' must not be "arrogant"

RSS chief Bhagwat emphasised the need to get over election rhetoric & focus on problems facing the nation. He also said that a true 'sevak' must not be
RSS chief Bhagwat emphasised the need to get over election rhetoric & focus on problems facing the nation. He also said that a true 'sevak' must not be "arrogant"

RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat slams poll propaganda, urges govt to restore peace in Manipur

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday advised the BJP and Modi government to shed arrogance and expressed displeasure on the style of working in elections and the need to understand the meaning of the opposition and not treat them as opponents. He expressed concerns about the prolonged unrest in Manipur and stressed the need to bring peace to the northeastern State.

Addressing a group of RSS leaders and trainees in Nagpur, Bhagwat also spoke about the qualities that a true ‘sevak’ must possess and said that a ‘sevak’ must take pride in his work, but remain “unattached”, and must be “devoid of arrogance”. In a clear message to the BJP-led government, the RSS chief said that the Manipur issue must be ‘prioritized’.

“Manipur has been waiting for peace for a year. Before this, it was peaceful for 10 years. It seemed that the old gun culture had ended. And suddenly the conflict that was created or instigated there is still burning in its fire, it is crying for help. Who will pay attention to this? It is our duty to consider it on a priority basis,” he said.

Urging for decency in politics, the RSS chief also said pointed out that elections should not be seen as “war”. “Election is a process of building consensus. There is a system in place so that both sides of any question are presented in a like-minded Parliament. Of course, evolving such a consensus is difficult among the people who have reached there with fierce competition. That is why we have to rely on the majority. The entire competition is for the same. But this is a competition, not war,” said Bhagwat.

“The way things have happened, the way each side has attacked below the belt, the way completely ignored the impact of campaign strategies that would lead to divisions, increasing social and mental faultlines, and unnecessarily drew the organizations like RSS in the same. Using technology, falsehood was spread, absolute falsehood. Does technology and knowledge mean the same?” We will have to free ourselves from the excitement of elections and think about the problems facing the country,” he added.

RSS Chief went on, urging for the need for decorum in politics, in an apparent message to BJP leadership: “A real servant follows the decorum. It is necessary to do one’s duty efficiently. To work but not to indulge, this is our instinct…..It should not be considered an adversary. They are the Opposition, revealing one side. Their opinions should also come to light.”

Virodhee ke jagah pratipaksh kaha jae,” he remarked. “There are two sides, they call it the opposing side, and I call it the counter side. He is not an opponent, he should not be considered an opponent. Wo pratipaksh hai, so it is highlighting one aspect (of an issue),” Bhagwat said.

“That should also be considered. When such a thing has to be done… then, there is a decorum even in contesting elections. That decorum was not maintained. Its implementation is necessary because the challenges facing our country have not yet been resolved,” he added.

“The same government is back to power — NDA. It is right that a lot of positive things have happened in the last 10 years… We have made strides in many fields like the economy, defence strategy, sports, culture, technology, etc. But it doesn’t mean that we are free of challenges now…” Bhagwat said.

He said a true servant (sevak) is one who does the work but is not proud of the fact that he did it. “Do the work, but don’t be proud of the work you did,” he told RSS members. “One who adheres to the boundaries of propriety while executing their duties, who takes pride in their work yet remains unattached, who is devoid of arrogance — such an individual is truly deserving of being called a Sevak in the most authentic sense of the term,” he added.

“When there is an election, competition is inevitable. In the process, people try to push others behind, but there is a dignity to it. Lies should not be used. People are being elected to go to the Parliament and run our country,” he said.

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  1. Misplaced advises by this old man Mohan Bhagawat. Time he is briefed & given education on what Khangress is doing. Arm chair critics or advisors like Mohan is a pain to civilized society & it is very cause of Muslim invasion & ruling 800 years on us. It is war in the country, & this man is day dreaming !!


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