Qatar, Egypt push Hamas to accept Israel’s ceasefire proposal

Qatar PM, head of Egyptian intelligence met the Hamas political head, Ismail Haniyeh

Qatar PM, head of Egyptian intelligence met the Hamas political head, Ismail Haniyeh
Qatar PM, head of Egyptian intelligence met the Hamas political head, Ismail Haniyeh

New Israeli truce proposal given to Hamas on behest of the US

Prime Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and the head of Egyptian intelligence, Major General Abbas Kamel met the Hamas political head, Ismail Haniyeh, and pushed the militant group to accept the proposal of Israel for a ceasefire.

The negotiators from Qatar and Egypt are pushing the Hamas political leadership to accept the ceasefire proposal mooted by Israel at the behest of the United States.

Sources in Israel’s PMO told IANS that the meeting between the Qatar and Egyptian negotiators with Haniyeh was held on Friday night.

Israel has given a three-phase ceasefire proposal at the behest of the United States. It included the release of hostages inclusive of women, children, elderly, and injured, and that Israeli forces would withdraw from the densely populated regions of Gaza including Rafah. There is to be a six-week ceasefire during the first phase.

The released hostages would include American hostages. In exchange for this, Palestinians would return to their homes from all areas of Gaza including the northern region from where maximum exodus had taken place.

During the six weeks of the ceasefire, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary agreements for phase two, which would be a permanent ceasefire.

Qatar and Egyptian negotiators are keen for the permanent ceasefire to happen.

In the second phase, all the hostages would be released and around 900 Palestinian prisoners in Israel jails would also be released. The third phase would lead to the reconstruction plan for Gaza and the release of any remaining hostages.

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  1. Hamas will not agree….. Israel should return its entire land with compensation……!! Will be demand of Hamas. Palestinians do not want freedom nor recognition, they will lose free money from other Arabic nations & to live in luxury…… i.e. want present condition to continue.

  2. No war in the history has ended without a formal or informal surrender. Israel knows it and will not stop without a surrender having experienced the long term results of cease fire Without a surrender.


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