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#DailyGlobalInsights #EP83 Impeachment trial begins Feb 8, Sen Leahy to preside, 29 GOP senators oppose. India in V5 club

#EP83 Impeachment trial begins Feb 8, Sen Leahy to preside, 29 GOP senators oppose....

Sree Iyer: Hello, and welcome to PGurus channel. Today is 26th of January, Episode number 83 of Daily Global Insights. I have with me...
#DailyGlobalInsights #EP82 China tariffs, Yellenomics clarification, witch hunt against Fox anchors & more!

#EP82 China tariffs, Yellenomics clarification, witch hunt against Fox anchors & more!

Sree Iyer: Namaskar, welcome to episode number 82 of Daily Global Insights, I am your host Sree Iyer. Today is 25th of January 2021,...
The history of British rule threw other foreign policy challenges that India continues to grapple with even today

Foreign policy, but domestic interests

There is also a fifth element — besides history, geography, capability and leadership — essential to understanding the shaping of India’s foreign policy. It...
A pro-Congress journalist, Rajeev Sharma was always trying to make a quick buck, say veteran journalists who know him

Who is Journalist Rajeev Sharma, caught spying for Chinese Intelligence?

For the past 24 hours, Delhi is abuzz with the arrest of veteran journalist Rajeev Sharma (61) in the spy case. He was arrested...
The areas included on this new political map of Nepal have also been a part of the political map of India for the past couple of decades

Indo-Nepal Misunderstanding: A brief historical perspective

Introduction On June 18, 2020, Nepal updated its political map through a constitutional amendment, which incorporated three places, along the Indo-Nepal border, into the political...
Is the case of an individual being taken out of context by the DFEH lawsuit against Cisco to paint Hinduism as being discriminatory?

CA vs Cisco discrimination lawsuit – A crude attempt at casting performance appraisal as...

I have had a chance to peruse the 22-page lawsuit being brought by the California Department. of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) against Cisco...
The Dalai Lama may be the last chance for India to regain a friendly border between herself and the Chinese enemy, and time is running out.

The Dalai Lama is 85 years old. Does India understand the importance of that?

Chinese are the most ruthless and intelligent, just waiting for the Dalai Lama to die, to nominate their own puppet Dalai Lama On July 6,...
India should not just be able to handle the Chinese hegemony, but should also be hope to other smaller countries which do not have the size and ability to stand up to the Dragon

It’s all about taming the Dragon

The overall growth of China as a nation and as an economy has propelled it as the most important and indispensable core of the...
India's refusal to put troops on the ground in Afghanistan is going to cost it dear, with the Taliban announcing that it will wage jihad

US-Taliban Accord in Afghanistan… India erred

Did India welch on its promise? If reliable sources are to be believed, during one of Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi’s visits to the United...
India’s initiative in tackling the pandemic has been in sharp contrast to that of both China and Pakistan.

While world battle pandemic, Pakistan and China resort to devious games

Questions have been raised on the behaviour of China and Pakistan — all-weather friends. While the world is focussed on combating the Coronavirus pandemic which...


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