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Jet Airways has recently defaulted on the rental payments on its leased aircraft.

The travails of Jet Airways

The present foreign controlled owners & management are responsible for Jet Airways mess as they did not build up a reserve when the fuel...
Will Rahul Gandhi tell the nation why Congress regimes let down HAL all these years?

Why Rahul Gandhi’s new-found love for HAL is a sham

So what is Rahul Gandhi talking about when he hints that HAL has been given step-motherly treatment in Modi’s tenure? A few days ago, while...
FDI stake in IU was set to 49% maximum for security reasons. Now upping it to 100% makes no sense.

FDI in IU – Why this about turn?

What are the unknown motives for a sudden about turn in policy of Foreign direct investment in Information Utility entities under the Insolvency &...


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