Nancy Pelosi attacks Xi Jinping: ‘Dalai Lama’s legacy will live forever, you’ll be gone’. Will soon bring a resolution to protect Tibet

China considers spiritual leader Dalai Lama as a separatist because of his demand for autonomy for Tibet, which Beijing occupied in the 1950s

China considers spiritual leader Dalai Lama as a separatist because of his demand for autonomy for Tibet, which Beijing occupied in the 1950s
China considers spiritual leader Dalai Lama as a separatist because of his demand for autonomy for Tibet, which Beijing occupied in the 1950s

Nancy Pelosi and US lawmakers visit Dalai Lama amid China’s warning

Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is on a two-day visit to meet Dalai Lama in India, on Wednesday, launched a blistering attack on Chinese President Xi Jinping, saying Dalai Lama’s legacy will live forever but Xi will be gone in a few years. “His Holiness Dalai Lama, with his message of knowledge, tradition, compassion, purity of soul, and love, will live a long time and his legacy will live forever. But you, the President of China, you’ll be gone and nobody will give you credit for anything,” she said during the public felicitation programme at Tsuglagkhang Complex in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh in India.

China considers the spiritual leader Dalai Lama a separatist because of his demand for autonomy for Tibet, which Beijing occupied in the 1950s, leading to the spiritual leader’s exile to India. Attacking China, Pelosi said: “…There was a visit of the President of China to Washington, DC and I said to him, we are objecting to what you are doing to the culture of Tibet. He said, you know what you’re talking about, you should go there and see for yourself all the improvements that China is making in Tibet. I said, thank you because I’ve been trying for 25 years to get a visa to go to Tibet. So we went there with our delegation.

“We went to the Potala Palace. We saw the room where His Holiness grew up… They are trying to erase the culture by reducing the use of the language. They are trying something that we cannot let them get away with. I’ll be gracious to the Chinese people, I don’t know that they’re up to this, but we do know that the Chinese government is, and we do know that they must get the message. This legislation sends the message, the House and the Senate and soon to be signed by Joe Biden, the president of the United States…”

During the address, Pelosi said the Dalai Lama would not approve of her comment against China. “When I criticize the Chinese government, he (Dalai Lama) says, let’s pray for Nancy to rid her of her negative attitudes. I hope he will indulge me today to say that change is on the way. As our colleagues have said hope brings some faith and the faith of the Tibetan people in the goodness of others is what is going to make all the difference.” A US congressional delegation, led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaulis, is visiting India to strengthen bilateral ties and to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader.

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  1. This old lady staring & daring Emperor Xi Jinping ?
    Emperor’s Rocket Force will soon target her with an aged bomb & bring down her


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