My New Letter Series – Dear Pakistani People, Oh No! HE’S PM Of India, AGAIN!!

India, and Indians, want you back in the Indian fold!! After all, they are nearing 1.5 billion people and another 250 million people shouldn’t be a big deal!

India, and Indians, want you back in the Indian fold!! After all, they are nearing 1.5 billion people and another 250 million people shouldn’t be a big deal!
India, and Indians, want you back in the Indian fold!! After all, they are nearing 1.5 billion people and another 250 million people shouldn’t be a big deal!

Dear Pakistani people,

Indian people must be the most stupid people! They voted for HIM again! The man who brought the Babri Masjid down!! That’s what you, and your media, claim! Never mind what true history shows! What does it show? That place was destroyed in December of 1992 (December 6, 1992, to be exact). Who was the PM of India at the time, you ask? P V Narasimha Rao, from the Indian National Congress!! Where was HE at the time? Somewhere in India, working for the RSS!!

Anyways, getting back to the next PM of India, HE hates your community! Never mind the fact that HE has done more for YOUR community than most previous governments combined!! After all, who can forget the Godra, Gujarat, incidents!? Again, never mind the fact that YOUR community started this and HE was not supported by the governments of the neighboring states when HE was pleading for police support to calm the situation down!! Why didn’t they support HIM? They were from the Congress party while HE was not! But, HE hates your community!

After all, he built the Lord Ram Temple where the Babri Masjid used to be! Again, you chose to ignore history which, the Archeological Society of India (ASI) showed. The chief archeologist in this expedition was K K Mohammed! Yep!! That is his name. He showed that, below the Babri Masjid, was the original Lord Sri Ram temple. Yeah, K K Mohammed is a traitor and needs to be punished! Again, you forget the basic claim that your community makes: your religion teaches, or preaches, never to lie (by the way, all religions state the same thing, but that can be easily explained. They have ALL COPIED the holiest of holy books! Yep, YOUR BOOK!! Never mind the fact that the Bhagwad Gita was there FAR BEFORE the HOLIEST OF HOLY BOOKS was EVEN a gleam in the eye of THE WORLD’S ONLY PROPHET)!

But getting back to HIM, HE brought back the same core ministers that HE HAD previously! I mean, HOW STUPID ARE THE INDIAN PEOPLE?? Thats a rhetorical question so don’t bother answering it! Bringing Shah back as Home Minister! I mean, okay, he can’t do much damage to Pakistan! What about Rajnath Singh? He’s going around saying India will take back POKGB!! And then, the worst (ABSOLUTE WORST) choice was Dr S Jaishankar!!! What a failure he has been!! He has not done ONE GOOD THING FOR PAKISTAN! Infact, he has been a bigger failure than Bilawal!!

How does HE think this ministry can survive IF NONE OF THEM had done anything to better the lives of the common Pakistani! In fact, the three of them (not including HIM) have given boat loads of money to Afghanistan!! Yeah, i know, they’re trying to buy the Afghans, the Saudis, the other countries that are rich and from your community! Why CAN’T HE HELP YOUR PEOPLE?? You’re smart! You realized I didn’t say the UAE!! Well, they have all converted to Hinduism!! Otherwise, why would they build a Hindu temple in their country!!

India, and Indians, want you back in the Indian fold!! After all, they are nearing 1.5 billion people and another 250 million people shouldn’t be a big deal! And, the icing on the cake, youd be considered minorities (even though you’d be about 40% of the population) and would have the champion of the minorities (Indian National Congress, although people affectionately refer to them as Khangress) backing everything you do (or don’t do)!! Its a win-win situation and youd love it! It will be a lot of dun being with Hindus, trying to convert them to your ideology and, if they don’t, slitting their miserable throats!! At the end of the day, you could all get together at the Halal bars and exchange stories!! All in good fun!!

Don’t these indian fools realize the value of Rahul Baba? A youth icon (who cares if hes closing in on 60 years)!! People revere him (within his household)!! So, he has a few faults, like speaking, frequent visits to Thailand, never knowing what is going on around the indian subcontinent, just to name a few! But who doesn’t have faults!! HE has so many faults like, umm, youve got to help me out with this folks! Never mind, HE HAS FAULTS, thats enough said!! BUT (this is a bigger butt than some of those you guys see during your time on the internet) Rahul Baba has a soft corner for Pakistan and thats what is important! Who cares what he does for, and to, India. You need someone in india who thinks about Pakistan (Farooq Absullah needs a partner to bring forth your narrative as well as your nuclear capabilities)!

Well, its been a little less fun talking to you than what i had while getting my tooth extracted without any anaesthesia!! Let’s do this again in a few weeks (I am a masochist (look that word up in the dictionary))!

God bless America!!

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Kumar Sridhar is a full time IT professional who is also a blogger,columnist and an avid sports fan! He lives with his family in New Jersey, USA.
Kumar Sridhar


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