Momentous victory for Hindu Americans in Cisco caste case, but the issue persists

Hindus must remain united to end the caste menace in North America and influence their families in Bharat against the caste-based reservation system

Hindus must remain united to end the caste menace in North America and influence their families in Bharat against the caste-based reservation system
Hindus must remain united to end the caste menace in North America and influence their families in Bharat against the caste-based reservation system

Failed California Bill SB 403 gains momentum as M 128 in Vancouver

Many of us believed we had left the caste culture behind in Bharat upon immigrating to the United States. Unfortunately, this was not the case due to a group of self-serving individuals perpetuating caste-based grievances and maligning Hindus and Hindu traditions in the U.S.

A select group of Dalits utilized the caste-based reservation system to secure education at premier institutions, enabling them to pursue higher studies or employment abroad. Over time, they found each other and initiated a campaign alleging discrimination by so-called upper-caste Hindu Americans.

According to the published timeline[1], a highly publicized case of alleged caste-based discrimination originated in 2015. A Cisco Systems engineer, Chetan Narsude (a classified Dalit from India), filed a complaint against two non-Dalit managers, Sundar Iyer, and Ramana Kompella. The California Civil Rights Department (CRD) litigated the case, supported by Soundararajan, founder of Equality Labs (EL)[2].

Soundararajan, a UC Berkeley graduate, has a history of propagating casteism as a marker for discrimination against Dalits. EL has been active in higher education, corporations, and even among lawmakers, falsely claiming that Hindu Americans discriminate against Dalits. However, the legal victory discussed below has diminished her visibility for the moment.

I have written more than a dozen articles in Pgurus, titled “Caste Jihad[3],” since 2021 when the issue was prominent in the U.S. A dedicated think tank, CasteGate, provides extensive coverage on caste issues. Prominent Hindu organizations like HAF and CoHNA have also been advocating for Hindu Americans’ causes, including caste-related issues.

In the CRD vs. Cisco case, CRD was forced to dismiss its case in April 2023. Despite evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and fabrication exposed in 2021, CRD continued the litigation, misusing taxpayers’ resources. They had to remove their anti-Hindu bias and flawed definition of caste from their complaint, which was based on EL’s unscientific survey. CasteGate recounts this as xenophobic and unconstitutional statements against Hindus and Indian Americans.

Justice moved slowly, but in May 2024, the court awarded $2,000 in sanctions against CRD. Let us not weigh the merits of the victory for the paltry sanctions against CRD but its significance for all Hindu Americans and Hinduism. Agencies like CRD and individuals like Soundararajan will now have to think twice before defaming American Hindus, who have excelled in professional careers and are represented at all levels of society.

Defendant Iyer stated, “The sanctions motion is a small small step in exposing over one hundred fraudulent actions by CRD. They have unleashed xenophobia and toxic hate on Indian Americans, falsely accusing us of being dominant, oppressive, and violent towards Dalits without any proof.” He asks, “When will Indian Americans wake up to this horrific reality?”

Richa Gautum, founder of CasteGate, commented, “The court’s rejection of the EL caste survey was a validation of what we have been saying all along.” Additionally, revealing John Doe’s identity as Chetan Narsude was a relief for the Hindu-American community.

Hindu Americans have another reason to rejoice. A California State Senator, Aisha Wahab[4], influenced by Soundararajan, had introduced caste bill SB 403, which ultimately failed as the Governor did not sign it[5]. The failed SB 403, heavily based on the Cisco case, preceded the court’s rejection of the CRD case, also based on fabricated evidence and EL’s unscientific survey.

Despite the victory in the Cisco case, Hindu Americans must remain vigilant. The issue may be dormant in the U.S. but is active in neighboring Canada. Member of Parliament Don Davies introduced motion M-128 to end caste-based discrimination in Canada[6], potentially amending the Canada Human Rights Act. Davies acknowledged support from Indian-origin individuals likely associated with the Khalistan movement in the U.S. and Canada. Soundararajan’s influence at UC Davis and other institutions raises concerns about her possible collusion with Khalistan sympathizers in Canada[7].

The idiom चोर – चोर मौसेरे भाई (Thieves are cousins) exists for a reason and it seems to be true in the present situation. Coincidentally, a failed SB 403 in California makes headway in the form of M-128 in neighboring Vancouver, only about 1500 km by road.

In conclusion, Hindus in North America must celebrate two major victories in California: the rejection of SB 403 and the court verdict against CRD in the Cisco case. However, vigilance is necessary as another caste issue brews in Vancouver, which could provide oxygen to individuals like Soundararajan to rebreathe and revive vendetta against Hindus.

Hindus must remain united to end the caste menace in North America and influence their families in Bharat against the caste-based reservation system. If the caste-based reservation cannot be done away with for political reasons, those who have attained upward mobility through quotas should be excluded from future advantages.

1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.


[1] The Public Timeline Of The Cisco Caste Discrimination Case – CasteGate

[2] Inequalities in the mission of Equality LabsJun 09, 2021,

[3] Part 14: Caste cults at UC Berkeley and San DiegoFeb 09, 2022,

[4] ‘WAH ji WAH’ Wahab – A champion of Caste-JihadAug 31, 2023,

[5] Wah Ji Wah: Loser Wahab and winner HindusOct 08, 2023,

[6] Vancouver MP motions to prohibit caste-based discrimination in CanadaJun 14, 2024, City News

[7] Part 13: Silent and Conspiratorial Caste-Cult at UC-DavisFeb 03, 2022,

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Vijendra Agarwal, born in village Kota (Saharanpur, U.P), left India in 1973 after Ph.D. (Physics) from IIT Roorkee. He is currently a member of project GNARUS, a syndicated service and writers collective. He and his wife co-founded a US-based NGO, Vidya Gyan, to serve rural India toward better education and health of children, especially empowerment of girls. Vidya Gyan is a calling to give back to rural communities and keeping connected to his roots which gave him so much more. His passion for writing includes the interface of policy, politics, and people, and social/cultural activities promoting community engagement.

Formerly, a researcher in Italy, Japan, and France, he has widely travelled and came to the US in 1978. He was a faculty and academic administrator in several different universities in PA, TX, NJ, MN, WI, and NY, and an Executive Fellow in the White House S&T Policy during the Clinton administration.
Vijendra Agarwal


  1. We cannot expect such thing from BJP. A New party has to come to power. This caste based reservations are alienating us. Caste word should be removed from our constitution. The word reservations should also be removed and social justice to be added.


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